Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's time for chicken again

Chicken stew with snow peas and almonds

I was just waiting for the ridiculous price for snow peas to drop, so I can do that delicious dish, that I just love, not only because it's so easy and quickly done. The combination of flavours and textures is so beautiful. 

To be honest, I was sure, I wrote already about that dish and was surprised not to find it here. On the other hand, I also wasn't cooking it for quite a while, because of the already mentioned crazy price for snow peas.

I'm trying to grow snow peas in our garden for years already, but that's what you can call an epic fail. This year the plants grew indeed and were even carrying some fruits, but despite our new sprinkler system, the plants dried out eventually after having only one set of fruits. I won't give up thou and gladly take any advise that could help to finally cultivate them in our garden. 

But we're not talking about my garden... The idea for the following dish came from here (in German language), but I've made the recipe only once with pork and substituted with chicken instead. You will see, that I changed some other things too, but all in all left the recipe as is.

And here comes one of our all time favourites:

Chicken stew with snow peas and almonds.
Ingredients (for 2-3)

400 g skinless chicken breast
200 g snow peas
1 small onion, diced
300 ml chicken stock
2-3 tbsp cream
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp mild curry powder
3-4 tbsp flaked almonds

Roast the almond flakes till golden brown and nice in flavour. 
Wash the chicken, pat dry and cut into thin stripes. Cut the snow peas in bite-size pieces and remove the hard tips. You can also leave them whole, then the peas won't fall out the shell. I just prefer them in smaller pieces, because I feel, that it fuses nicer with the whole dish.
Take a ziplock bag and put in the flour with curry, salt and pepper and mix till well combined. Now add the chicken and shake until the chicken is dusted evenly.
Heat some oil in a pan on high heat and sear the chicken. It just needs to get a golden colour, but is not supposed to be cooked through. Put the chicken aside and pour again 1-2 tbsp oil into the same pan and fry the onions. Add the snow peas, stir, pour in the stock and add the leftover flour - seasoning mix. Stir again and let it cook for 5 minutes on high heat, reduce the heat to medium - low and add the cream and let it simmer till it thickens nicely.
Now it's time to add the chicken and season to taste with salt and pepper. If the sauce turns out to thick, you can dilute a bit with some water or milk.

Serve with rice and sprinkle generously with the roasted almonds.

Chicken stew with snow peas and almonds
