About me

Influenced by three cultures, spiced with a lot of love and passion, I hope that the brief glimpse into my world inspires you and most importantly gives you culinary pleasure.
I would like to share with you every-day-cooking, occasionally something special, beginning with basics. Most of all, I want to share my passion; for cooking, for food and gusto. Hope you join me on my journey and enjoy my writing.

I'm a mother of two, who was born in Poland, grew up in Germany and lives in Namibia. I was working for 13 years in restaurants, as a chef apprentice, a waitress, a manager and sommelier. When I moved to Namibia starting a family life, my career in restaurants ended by choice. Now I'm having this blog and plenty of possibilities to enjoy cooking and my new passion baking, not only for my family, but also for friends. 

My next project is to study nutritionist, so I can dive even deeper into the fascination of food and cooking. I'm excited to see, how much it will change my way of preparing food. I will keep you posted  about my progress.

Until then, I hope you enjoy my journey.