Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tagliatelle with a spicy pepper - bacon sauce

Tagliatelle with a spicy pepper - bacon sauce

I know it sounds strange, but I actually don't mind, if I have to get rid of groceries in my pantry or fridge, because then I tend to get my best ideas for a dish. This time we had plenty of peppers left, one of it even started to get wrinkly, so it was really time to do something about it. I also had fresh pasta left, that I had to use within the next days, so I already had two ingredients. Otherwise our fridge was pretty empty, as we planned on going shopping that day, but had to change our plans last minute and postpone to the next day. So I checked my deep freezer and the fridge and found eventually some frozen bacon. All the other ingredients I kind of always have at home, so here we go, my

Tagliatelle with a spicy pepper - bacon sauce

Ingredients (for 2)

1 big red pepper

1 big yellow pepper
1 small onion
2 garlic cloves
100 g diced bacon
75 g frozen peas
3-4 tbsp tomato relish
1 tbsp paprika paste
1 small red chilli
1 generous dash cream
125 ml water

250 g fresh Tagliattele (or whatever pasta you like or have handy)

Bring water to boil for your pasta and cook to your liking.

Meanwhile slit the peppers and finely chop onion, chilli and garlic. Heat your pan and fry the bacon till almost crispy. Add first the onion and the chilli and stir-fry till aromatic, add then the peppers and garlic and let all stew till the peppers start to soften. Pour water in, add the tomato relish and paprika paste and let it simmer for 5 minutes. At the end add the peas, pour the cream in, season with salt to taste and boil up again, so everything has the same temperature.

Add now the ready pasta to the sauce and combine. 

Out comes a delicious pasta with a spicy, sweet-sourish taste. It's like every taste bud is hit. The heat of the chilli is actually lovely and the bacon gives the dish an interesting flavour. All in all I was very pleased with the result and appreciated, how quick it was prepared.
