Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tagliatelle with a spicy pepper - bacon sauce

Tagliatelle with a spicy pepper - bacon sauce

I know it sounds strange, but I actually don't mind, if I have to get rid of groceries in my pantry or fridge, because then I tend to get my best ideas for a dish. This time we had plenty of peppers left, one of it even started to get wrinkly, so it was really time to do something about it. I also had fresh pasta left, that I had to use within the next days, so I already had two ingredients. Otherwise our fridge was pretty empty, as we planned on going shopping that day, but had to change our plans last minute and postpone to the next day. So I checked my deep freezer and the fridge and found eventually some frozen bacon. All the other ingredients I kind of always have at home, so here we go, my

Tagliatelle with a spicy pepper - bacon sauce

How do you start your day?

How about a nice smoothie?

Banana - Kefir smoothie with toasted muesli

Your children don't like eating fruits? Do they refuse to eat breakfast? You don't have the time to have breakfast before you go to work? You need a healthy boost for the day? Here is your answer: have a smoothie! It take's me about 10 minutes and it's ready. My husband and my daughter are always looking forward to their smoothie in the morning. We drink it in the car on our way to kindergarten and work.

Today morning we had a

Banana - Kefir smoothie with toasted muesli

Ingredients (for 2)

4 small bananas ( or 2 big)
2 handfuls toasted muesli
250 ml Kefir
200 ml apple juice
1 tbsp honey

Blend all together in a food processor till smooth. If you don't have Kefir, you can always substitute with yoghurt.

Have a great start to the day!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tiramisu (without egg)

Tiramisu (without egg)

During our stay in South Africa it happen to be my Dads' birthday. As I already mentioned, dinning out was  impossible with our children, so we had to celebrate at home. Since we were staying in well equipped self catering apartments, I could easily prepare something nice and as my dad loves braai, we got his favorite cut of meat (porterhouse) and served it with baked potatoes and salad. To mark the occasion I also prepared his favorite dessert: a classic Tiramisu. I chose to make one without eggs, as we were on holiday and I didn't have my fresh eggs from our farmers. It's best to prepare the Tiramisu one evening before, or even in the morning of the previous day, it just tastes better, the longer it can rest and soak.
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Home made burger with Camembert and tomato relish

Home made burger with Camembert and tomato relish

The last three weeks we've spent in South Africa with my parents joining from Germany. What a great holiday! I wish I could now report, that it was a culinary journey through the country, but unfortunately with a baby and a toddler, dinning out was kind of out of question. We enjoyed every lunch eating out though and had here and there really good food. Our last day in Knysna for example we found that little cafe / restaurant directly by the heads with a stunning view and even a kids corner. We were impressed by the menu and the philosophy - I actually posted the introduction out of the menu on Facebook. So after a fantastic coffee, we decided to stay longer and try out the food and we haven't been disappointed a bit, if anything we were more than thrilled. So thrilled, that coming home, I had to make that fantastic burger for lunch again and share it with you.